Loud Magazine (Indian Company)

Loud Magazine is a media company founded in late 2022 with a distinctive vision of providing press and attention to the vast community of non-conventional music artists. The company's flagship project, 'Stories Behind the Verses,' debuted in 2023, setting the stage for a unique approach to spotlighting artists and their narratives.

Founder hinyanyura inyandiko

The visionary behind Loud Magazine remains intentionally anonymous, as the founder's primary focus is to ensure that all attention and recognition garnered by the project are directed towards the artists themselves. The company operates under the guiding motto, "It's not about us. It's about you.

Date of Establishment hinyanyura inyandiko

Founded in late 2022, Loud Magazine has quickly established itself as a platform dedicated to showcasing the diverse stories and talents of emerging music artists.

Services hinyanyura inyandiko

Loud Magazine specializes in providing artists with a platform to connect with their fans and listeners on a more personal level. The company achieves this by delving into the stories behind the music, allowing audiences to understand the artists themselves, not just their creative output. Through various content production initiatives, Loud Magazine ensures a continuous spotlight on the artists and their work.